用a yellow streak表达“胆小如鼠”
如果说某人has a yellow streak,那意思就是此人比较胆怯、不勇敢。
We went rock climbing at the weekend. I loved it, but my friend refused to try it. He’s got a real yello...
用to get a handle on something表达“掌握某事”
短语to get a handle on something的意思是理解、掌握某事。
I used to be terrible at maths but after lots of hard work, I think I've got a handle on it now.
If I could ...
用a splash of colour表达“一道绚丽色彩”
如果某人为某事加了a splash of colour,意思就是把某个本来枯燥或沉闷的事情作了美化或改善。
The decorations for the games have lent a splash of colour to an otherwise drab...
用to make a comeback表达“复出”
短语to make a comeback的意思是重新回到曾经做得很成功的职业或工作岗位中,也就是我们常说的“复出”。
Jose Mourinho was a successful manager at Chelsea before, so many fans ...
用drive someone round the bend表达“逼得人发疯”
如果我们说某事drives you round the bend,意思就是这件事使你感到非常无聊或生气。
Jane's brother practises guitar every night for hours. He drives her round the bend.
用the spitting image表达“一模一样”
如果你是某人的spitting image,意思就是你长的非常像这个人或和这个人长的一模一样。
John is the spitting image of his brother. I think they could be twins.
She was the ...
“风雨无阻”,汉语成语,字面意思是“不受刮风下雨的阻碍(stopped by neither wind nor rain -- regardless of the weather)”,比喻无论遇到任何阻碍,都要继续下去。与英文俚语“rain or...
用the hairdryer treatment表达“ 电吹风管理”
只会说new? 是时候学new的各种“新”说法了!
New year, new you: 新的一年,新的你!
用bring someone back down to earth表达“从幻想中清醒过来,回归现实”
某事brings you back down to earth的意思就是这件事情使你从幻想中清醒过来,回到现实中。
I was dreaming of a safari holiday in Tanzania to see the elephants, the cheetahs,...
用money doesn’t grow on trees表达“挣钱不容易”
短语money doesn't grow on trees 的字面意思是“钱不会长在树上”,实际想表达的意思是不要乱花钱,因为挣钱不容易。
My daughter Claire wants a car for her 17th birthday, but I...
用a big fish in a small pond表达“小地方的大人物”
短语a big fish in a small pond的直译是“一个小池塘里的大鱼”,实际表达的意思是一个小公司或小地方的大人物。
Paul is a manager of a small company; he likes to be a big fish...